Saturday, November 8, 2008

when did hiking begin

If you're planning a family camping or hiking trip, you'll need to think a bit about what kinds of food to take with you. Of course if you have friends and family who have gone camping or hiking before, there is an added advantage, which may make the learning process a lot quicker and also help you be better prepared.

If there is an accident or mishap along the way, there will be more people to assist if you are camping or hiking with a group. Beginners are advised to choose camping locations closer to home so that is easier to fall back in case they face any problems. The rechargeable lanterns can be recharged with you car by plugging into the cigarette lighter on some models.

Ropes and other equipment and gear used for climbing and survival are necessary. These knives can be simple small pocket knives as long as they get the job done, but keep in mind that skimping on your knife could mean skimping on the tool best suited to ensure your survival. Even on longer backpacking trips, I use thin nylon socks and lightweight running shoes.

Hiking will not only make you more fit, it will also help reduce stress and allow you plenty of thinking time. Hiking will not only make you more fit, it will also help reduce stress and allow you plenty of thinking time.

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