Wednesday, April 23, 2008

camping stoves - the basics

Once you go on a camping trip, you will be able to think about nature and how to protect and preserve the beautiful sites that you will see while camping. Winter camping brings an entirely new element to the activity of camping.

If you are camping in summer you will need a completely different type of tend than if you were camping in the rainy season. If you are camping in summer you will need a completely different type of tend than if you were camping in the rainy season. If you don't have to time to visit bookstores, there are an adequate number of online resources like this one where expert campers provide information on the popular locations, things to watch out for like wildlife and snakes, details of the weather and lots of other important beginner camping tips.

If you are opting for more rustic and rugged locations then you may need all the gear, tents, accessories to set up the tents, sleeping bags that suit the weather conditions, cooking stove, cooking utensils, your fishing equipment if you are looking forward to fish on the menu and all the other camping gear necessities like matches, flashlights, insect repellants and first aid kits which are so essential for any successful camping experience. With hiking, comfort really isn t a luxury.

If you think mountaineering may be something that you are interested in, there are a few things to do to start pursuing the sport. A multi-purpose knife can help you carve, cut, hack and slice anything and everything. Every spare pound that you are carrying counts, so taking too much stuff up with you is always a bad idea.

Remember when hiking to carry enough water. No honking horns, no ringing phones, just the great outdoors.

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