Thursday, May 7, 2009

camping levanto

When you go camping you will need a camping lantern , camping stove and a camping cot as well as a flashlight. Not all food keeps as well as others, and not all is easy to carry on a hiking trip either.

Judging by the many accessories in today's RV's, roughing it may not mean the same as it did years ago. If you haven't done anything physical in a while, you really should try to get in shape before taking a long hike or a backpacking trip. To awaken to birds chirping and the sun rising over a misty horizon is incredible.

On the east coast we simply put up with the rain. Dressing warmly is obviously a major issue. Having the kids go off to a summer camp is a great way to get some time alone while allowing the kids to have a fun and educational time.

Wet boots can cause serious foot problems, so get a good pair. Be sure that the flashlights you get are shock proof.

family camping tents - for basic camping tent reviews - camping and hiking for fun

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