Saturday, May 2, 2009

hiking estes park

Before setting out on your camping or hiking expedition check and then double check your gear for the most relevant items you will need on the trip. Of course a camping trip can be an extremely enjoyable and special experience provided you are well prepared and are armed with all the camping gear necessities to see you through till you return home.

New sights, sounds and experiences await them when they go camping, rather than looking at the same four walls, or the same old television. My favorite place to hike is the Rocky Mountains. You will need to start out with food and water, however if you are stuck in the wilds for very long, you will need to know how to catch and eat animals for food or how to find food naturally in your area.

Rope, tarp and sleeping bags will be necessary especially if you are camping out. Websites like this one will help you by recommending the necessary equipment as well as providing information about how to approach ascends and descents. If you are participating in water activities, make sure to wear life vests for safety.

Wet boots can cause serious foot problems, so get a good pair. Many people have come to love mountain climbing from complete obsession to fun hobby.

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