Tuesday, December 16, 2008

hiking facts

What better way of experiencing the raw beauty of nature than through careful planning and preparation of a good camping or hiking excursion. Planning a rock climbing trip is the same as going for an adventurous trip.

Many start out learning how to mountain climb by essentially hiking up hill. Although some indoor rock climbers do not ever make the step into outdoor climbing, indoor climbing gyms provide learning and practicing venues for those planning on taking it outdoors. You can only take what you can carry, so this will mean that the things that you take will be limited.

To start, you can get by with basic hiking equipment such as rations, tents and sleeping bags. Breathe deeply of fresh air, that's what it's all about. Make sure to bring a sleeping bag that is made to withstand the deep freeze of winter.

Remember to take lots of pictures so you will also have a long-term memento of how beautiful the countryside was on your hiking trip. So always be prepared and try to get into shape before you take on to big of a trail.

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