Tuesday, January 13, 2009

camping in yosemite national park

Nobody is born as an experienced camper or hiker. There are so many people who review rock climbing equipment, and so many respectable sources in the area, that you can pretty easily learn what you need to take with you.

Because camping gear is a little bit less specialized, you would expect it to be easier to pick out. If you are camping in summer you will need a completely different type of tend than if you were camping in the rainy season. Remember, you will be traveling over boulders and other rough surfaces at times and want to be able to press off the ground with confidence that your boots will provide the right amount of support.

Make a list of all necessary supplies and check off the list as you pack to ensure nothing is forgotten. As difficulty increases, however, so does the amount of stuff you need. A foam underlay may also be a useful addition to keep the sleeping bag off the ground and away from moisture.

The gear can run you some bucks, but the cost is nominal compared to most other sports. Hot dogs cooked on a stick over crackling flames is always a nice camping meal.

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