Friday, January 2, 2009

texas state park camping

When you are going to be going off into the woods for a camping or hiking trip, even if you are only going a little ways away to gather firewood or explore a new trail, make sure that you have your survival kit on you in case you get lost. You'll need to buy or borrow a tent for your first trip.

If you start early then when the time comes for you to head out you just need to put together all the items and start packing. My family and I enjoy a good camping adventure in the great outdoors each summer. Some types of apples for instance, are only good for a day or so before they get too mushy, so pack some good, durable snacks.

Choose a location which is likely to be more populated as you could always do with a little company on your first trip in case you need any assistance. Learn to recognize and remember landmarks and while hiking try to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. During fire-hazard periods and dry seasons, use portable stoves rather than campfires.

Do a little research online, read reviews and shop around. A good flashlight is definitly high on our list of camping essentials.

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