Saturday, January 17, 2009

ozark trail camping equipment

There are times when I can hardly stand the hectic atmosphere of small towns. Before you set off into the woods, make sure that you have a pack prepared with food like energy bars or trail mix to keep you moving, plenty of water, dry, protected matches, a space blanket to keep you warm and to signal for help during the day, an LED flashlight or LED lantern for use at night, a compass, and the best survival knife that you can find or afford.

The idea is to learn the skills of rock climbing in a safe and controlled environment. Ice climbing boots require more insulation than for alpine climbing since it s important to keep ice and snow from entering the boot. Make sure that you have a good first aid kit too.

One thing I always enjoyed as a child was camping with the family. Rope, tarp and sleeping bags will be necessary especially if you are camping out. There are several camping friendly foods like granola bars, trail mix, dry fruits, peanut butter etc available today to make your meals more satisfying.

Just don t assume skills in one niche translate to the other. You might want to ditch that old tent your father passed along to you, and upgrade to a contemporary one.

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